The Societe Culinaire Philanthropique de New York, Inc. 1865-2000
Associated Veterans of the DeLamater Iron Works 34th Annual Banquet
Le Diner Pour Les Oeuvres Charitables du Comité Des Sociétés Françaises de Secours
Dinner Given by the City of New York in Honor of His Excellency Leon Blum Ambasadeur Extraordinaire United States of the French Republic
"The Bohemians" New York Music Club Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Club
Society of Methodist Preachers' Sons, Inc. of New York Annual Dinner
Banquet à Monsieur Edouard Herriot, Député-Maire de Lyon-Ancien President du Conseil des Ministres
Dinner in honour of Léon Blum Ambassador Extraordinary of the French Republic
Luncheon Given by the City of New York in Honor of General Charles de Gaulle President of the Provisional Government of the French Republic
Luncheon Given by the City of New York in Honor of His Excellency Alcide De Gasperi Prime Minister of Italy
About the Music
Dinner to M. le Président Edouard Herriot, Député et Maire de Lyon. Guest's Seating List
Dinner of the Society of Methodist Preachers' Sons, Inc.
Dinner Given by the City of New York in honor of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill