Dinner to His Excellency Wu Ting Fang by the Lotos Club
Fourth Annual Dinner of the American Asiatic Association
Twenty-third Annual Banquet, Hotel Association New York
[The Periodical Publishers Association of America dinner to His Excellency Honourable Walter H. Page.]
Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 136th Annual Banquet
Dinner to his Excellency Li Hung Chang Grand Secretary of State, etc., etc., etc. by the Chinese Consul and Chinese Residents of the City of New York
148th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
The Twenty-fifth Annual Banquet, Hotel Association of New York City
Sixteenth Annual Banquet of the New York City Hotel Association
The Fifth Avenue Association Luncheon to the Representatives of Our Allies
Third Annual Banquet of the Manufacturers' Association of Brass and Iron Work
Twenty-first Annual Banquet of the Hotel Association of New York City
Hotel Association of New York City Eighteenth Annual Banquet
Hotel Association of New York City 22nd Annual Banquet