Annual Banquet of the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Limited)
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
The Life Insurance Association of New-York 3d Annual Dinner
Testimonial Banquet to Mr. A. G. Spalding and his Party of Representative American Base Ball Players
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York Annual Banquet
Annual Banquet
Official Map of the Processions on the Occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First President of the United States
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 132nd Annual Banquet
Group VIII New York State Bankers' Association "Manhattan Bankers" Annual Banquet
Third Annual Banquet of the Manufacturers' Association of Brass and Iron Work
Canadian Society of New York Twelfth Annual Banquet
Banquet of the Delegates to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Bon Voyage
Banquet of the Sons of the Revolution
International Aviation Tournament
Fourteenth Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
One hundred and Thirty-second Annual Banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
Seventeenth Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
146th Annual Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York