Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Songs. Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Twenty-third Annual Dinner of the New York Association of the Alumni of the Phillips Exeter Academy
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association.
Second Annual Dinner of the Alumni Association, Public School No. 40
Annual Dinner of the Associate Alumni of the College of the City of New York
Seventeenth Annual Dinner of the Dwight Alumni Association
Twentieth Annual Banquet of the New York State Hotel Association
Thirtieth Annual Dinner of the New York Southern Society
Annual Re-union Dinner, Alumni Association Public School No. 40
Annual Dinner of the New York County Lawyers Association
The Hundred Year Association of New York, Inc. Fiftieth Annual Dinner
Annual Dinner of the Hotel Association of New York City
First Annual Dinner of the New York City Police Endowment Association
Fifth Anual Dinner of the Railway Business Association.
New York State Hotel Association 34th Annual Dinner
Old Public School No. 40 Second Annual Re-union Dinner of the Alumni Association
Sixth Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
The Pennsylvania Society. The Twenty-third Annual Dinner held in the City of New York
Second Annual Banquet of the Associate Alumni of the Male Department of Grammar School No. 14, New York City