Twenty-Second Infantry, N.G.S.N.Y.
Reception and Promenade Concert of the Twelfth Infantry N.G.S.N.Y
Twentieth Annual Ball of Troop F, Third Regiment Cavalry N.G.S.N.Y.
Commemorative of the Centennial Anniversary of the 7th Regiment N.G. State of New York
Subscription Dinner Engineers' Club
Centennial Dinner
Mr. Robert Hunt Lyman, the Guest at Dinner of Mr. Kotaro Mochizuki, Member of Parliament of Japan
Second Dinner of the Hobby Club of New York
The First Treaty Between Japan and America
First Dinner of the Hobby Club of New-York at the Metropolitan Club
Dinner tendered to Brigadier General John J. Phelan of the 93rd Infantry Brigade, N.Y.N.G.
[Union Club dinner.]
Dinner on the Occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Organization of the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs
First Annual Dinner of the What'll Club
Third Annual Ball of Troop J, Third Regiment Cavalry, N.Y.S.N.G.
[Engineers Club dinner.]
The Hundred Year Association of New York, Inc. Fiftieth Annual Dinner
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York 132nd Anniversary Dinner