A community group accuses a precinct of maltreating a suspect.; Police Work
The suspect was apprehended. No one paid attention.; Police Work
Police Work. Before a tour of duty.
Police Work. "We're going to pick up a murder suspect," the officer said as he put on a bulletproof vest.
Funeral for an officer killed in the line of duty.; Police Work
Police Work.
Police Work. Police scooter patrol
Police Work. Frogmen
A bullet expert in the police forensic sector studies the marking on a spent bullet.; Police Work
Mounted police officers revive a man found unconscious in the street.; Police Work
Police Work. A hot night in the Bowery. Police try to clear the sidewalk of sleeping drunks.
Police Work. A massive round-the-clock show of force by the police to protect a foreign head of state from his own countrymen.
Police Work. Police presence. Most foot patrol is standing and watching.
Youngsters fighting in the street are separated by police officers.; Police Work
"Isn't he cute?" she said. Police Work
New York City, From Inside a Police Auto. Police Check Autos For Wanted Man, 1978
Police Work. At arraignment Polaroid photographs are taken of both the arresting officer and what in police parlance is called the "alleged perpetrator."
New York City, Detectives at Police Station, 1978
Police Station, New York City, Back Room, 1979
Their arms were notched like a hunter's rifle. "Show me your tattoos," I said to the prisoners. They did. A fight broke out. They were a box of matches ready to go up in flames.; Police Work