"What Are You Going to Do About it?"
It Is the Immediate Jewel of her Soul
Wholesale and Retail
Diogenes Has Found the Honest Man. - (Which Is Diogenes, and Which Is the Honest Man?)
The Whited Sepulchre. Covering the Monument of Infamy with his White Hat and Coat.
Two Great Questions
The Power Behind the Throne "He Cannot Call His Soul His Own"
[William M. Tweed.]
Cane gold handle in form of tiger's head with enamel tongue and teeth, ruby eyes
The Pied Piper of Gotham
"Old Honesty" Among the Ruins of Tammany.
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.
Sure -- We'll Give You a Free Home
"Anything For Revenge!" - A La Commune.
View-Manhattan-1899 N.W. from Park Row Building.
"Why Not Rip that Off? Do You Think I'm Made of Money?"
Plays, "As You Like It".