"Missing from WTC - Floor 104"
[Tribute in Light memorial.]
"Mourn the victims, stand for peace"
[Smoke billowing out of the towers of the World Trade Center after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.]
The Garden of Alice McCollister Restaurant. Reprint from The New Yorker August 13, 1938.
[Proof of the cover of the April 29, 1939 issue of the New Yorker, showing New York World's Fair crowd looking at Trylon and Perisphere.]
St. Vincent's Hospital, West Village, Manhattan, 2001
[Couple carrying large anti-Nazi painting past small flower paintings at the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit.]
[Group of people reacting immediately after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001.]
[New Year's themed proof of a New Yorker cover.]
That Was New York
[That Was New York]
[Astronaut finds a golf ball on a planet.]
City of New York
Jamaica Estates. St. Monicas Parochial School
New York University. General view of Washington Square Park
Labor Temple, New York City. Friend's Work Camp