Lexington Ave. and 33rd Street [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Lexington Ave. [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Madison Ave. and 40th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Seventh Avenue and 50th Street [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
Third Avenue [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
West 35th Street [24th Street to 42nd Street]
Jackson Street [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Lafayette Street and Cleveland Place [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Pitt Street [Park Row to Prince Street]
Water Street and Jackson Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Third Avenue and 75th St. [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
Baxter Street. Hester to Grand Street
Broad St. [Baxter Street to Broad Street.]
East 84th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
Howard Street [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
West Broadway and Franklin Street [Weehawken Street to Worth Street]
East 16th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Third Avenue and Forty-sixth Street [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
West 155th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]