Boy, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
Untitled [Shoe-shine man at rest, Union Square]
Flower Seller, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
Street Peddler, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
Black Woman, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
Kids with Plane, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
Shoe Shine Boy [Man paying Mickey for shining his shoes.]
Sharply Dressed, NYC, 1970s
Philadelphia Church of Christ, Harlem, NYC, 1940s
[Shoe shiner polishing man's shoes.]
Shoe Shine Boy [Mickey shining shoes.]
Shoe Shine Boy [Mickey and another boy shining shoes.]
Shoe Shine Boy [Mickey watching another boy shine shoes.]
Portrait, Emman House, 1960s
Depressed Man, NYC, 1970s
Shoe Shine Boy [Mickey watching as another boy shines shoes.]