[Joseph Rumshinsky.]
[Maurice Schwartz, Zalman Shneour, David Licht, and Joseph Rumshinsky at the opening of "Song of the Dnieper".]
[Maurice Schwartz, Joseph Rumshinsky, Zalman Schneour, and David Licht holding a copy of "Song of the Dnieper".]
[Anna Teitelbaum in a Rumshinsky musical.]
[Miriam Kressyn.]
[Unidentified actress.]
[Anna Teitelbaum.]
[Fania Rubina.]
[Samuel Goldenberg.]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]
[Joshua Zeldis.]
[Joshua Zeldis in costume with a lace collar.]
[Seymour Rexite.]
[Anna Teitelbaum in "The Brothers Ashkenazi".]