[I. L. Peretz and Yankev Dinezon.]
[Copy of David Kessler's naturalization picture.]
[Noach Nachbush.]
[Portrait of Professor Irwin H. Fenn, husband of Berta Gersten.]
[The first executive committee of the "kunst ring".]
[Saul Raskin and Isaac Lichtenstein at a museum.]
[Maurice Schwartz and William Rolland.]
[Nancy Franklin, Zvee Scooler and Isaiah Sheffer in the scene "Death of a Musician" from "The Theatre of Peretz".]
[Sketch by Bobbe Donner of Maurice Schwartz as the Rabbi of Neshev in "Yoshe Kalb".]
[Emma Finkle.]
[Marvin Schwartz.]
[Zvee Scooler and Nancy Franklin in "The Theatre of Peretz".]
[Morris Finkle.]
[Drawing of an Unidentified Building.]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]
[Yechiel Goldsmith as Nuta in Peretz Hirschbein's "Forsaken Nook".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami in Peretz Hirschbein's "Green Fields".]
[Edgar Kent as Rabbi Aesrael, the Tsadik in "The Dybbuk".]
[Lola Spielman.]
[Washington Irving.]