[Dinah Feinman née Shtettin and her daughter, Celia Adler.]
[Celia Adler in "The Two Mothers".]
[Celia Adler in Sholem Asch's "With the Current".]
[Celia Adler in "Stempenyu".]
[Lazar Fried, Celia Adler and Maurice Schwartz in "Stempenyu".]
[Celia Adler in "Where Is My Child?".]
[Celia Adler and Yehuda Bleich in Boris Thomashefsky's "Our Way to Israel".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami and Celia Adler in Peretz Hirschbein's "Idle Inn".]
[Celia Adler as Tsine in "Green Fields".]
[Ludwig Satz and Celia Adler in H. Kalmanovitch's "The Second Love".]
[Celia Adler, Yekhiel Goldshmit and Jacob Ben-Ami in "Idle Inn".]
[Celia Adler in "Life Marches On".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami and Celia Adler in "Idle Inn".]
[Charlotte Goldstein and Celia Adler in "Life Marches On".]
[Celia Adler, Leo Fuchs and Jacob Ben-Ami in "Life Marches On".]
[Celia Adler as Zelda and Luther Adler as Tevya in "A Flag Is Born".]
[Wedding ceremony scene in Peretz Hirschbein's "Idle Inn".]
["The Dybbuk" theater stills.]
[Helen Blay, Zvee Scooler, Julia Adler and Luther Adler in "Eternal Mother".]
[Luther Adler as Tevya and Celia Adler as Zelda in "A Flag Is Born".]