["My Maidela's Wedding" performed in Warsaw by Itzik Feld and Company.]
[Lola Spielman in "Pini from Pinczów".]
[Miriam Kressyn in her first role, in "Everyone Wants to Get Married".]
[Lola Spielman.]
["The Roumanian Wedding" theater still.]
[Helen Blay in "My Jewish Mother".]
["In My Father's Court" theater still.]
[Cast of "My Little Molly".]
[Molly Picon and Aaron Lebedeff in "My Little Molly".]
[Natalie Rogers, cast member of "My Mama the General".]
[Gerri-Ann Frank, star of "My Mama the General".]
[Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Baruch Blum, cast member of "My Mama the General".]
[Pesach Burstein and Lillian Lux in "My Mama the General".]
[William Gary, cast member of "My Mama the General".]
[Pesach Burstein in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]