[Itzik Feld.]
[Itzik Feld and Lola Spielman.]
[Itzik Feld and Lola Spielman in "Itzik Meyer".]
[Itzik Feld as master of ceremonies.]
[Itzik Feld with family and friend.]
["My Maidela's Wedding" performed in Warsaw by Itzik Feld and Company.]
[Itsik Feld, Menachem Rubin, Aaron Lebedeff and Lucy Levine.]
[Itzik Feld, Lola Spielman and Jennie Goldstein with two unidentified people at Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe.]
[Molly Picon in the title role of "Shmendrik".]
[Lola Spielman in "Itzik Mayer Takes a Bride".]
[David Kessler playing the title role in Leon Kobrin's "Yankel Boyle".]
"The Megilla of Itzik Manger"
["How Does One Take a Groom?" theater still.]
[Baruch Blum, cast member of "My Mama the General".]