[David Kessler.]
[Copy of a newspaper clipping showing Mark Meyerson in "Back from Siberia" and David Kessler's "Every Woman".]
[David Kessler and Berta Gersten in an unidentified production.]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholom Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholem Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[David Kessler in the title role of Leon Kobrin's "Yankel Boyle".]
[David Kessler playing the title role in Leon Kobrin's "Yankel Boyle".]
[Sketch by Bobbe Donner of Maurice Schwartz as the Rabbi of Neshev in "Yoshe Kalb".]
Kessler's Theatre
[Paul Muni as David Leizer in "Anathema" by Leonid Andreyev.]
[Drawing of Yitskhok Leybush Peretz.]
[David Licht with child actress.]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]
[Cast of "Livelihood".]
[Mario Gang.]
[Maurice Schwartz, Joseph Rumshinsky, Zalman Schneour, and David Licht holding a copy of "Song of the Dnieper".]
[Zvee Scooler.]
[Marvin Schwartz.]