[Samuel Goldenberg in "On This Sinful Earth".]
[Jacob Ben-Ami in "Green Fields".]
[Berta Gersten and Jacob Ben-Ami in "Green Fields".]
[Isidor Casher, Jacob Ben-Ami, Maurice Schwartz and Samuel Goldenberg in "Who Is Who".]
[Maurice Schwartz as David Shapiro in Sholem Aleichem's "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Michael Lux and Jacob Holtz in "The Singer of His Sorrow".]
[Renee Spektor and Shifra Silo in "The Singer of His Sorrow".]
"The Brothers Ashkenazi"
[Joseph Buloff in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Miriam Kressyn and Joseph Buloff in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
Song Hits of Ludwig Satz's Musical-Comedy Sensation "His Wife's Lover" with Joseph Shoengold
[Stan Porter, unidentified actress, and Bruce Adler in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Stan Porter, Joseph Buloff and Bruce Adler in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
[Miriam Kressyn in "Hard to Be a Jew".]
["Hershel the Jester" theater still.]
[Vera Rosanko and Jack Rexite in "Let's Be Happy".]
[Samuel Goldenberg.]