Major's Cement
Major's Cement Is Good
Look Mamma! how nicely I have mended this with Major's Cement
Now that He Has Wrecked it, it's up to Him to Do a Good Job Rebuilding.
[Cement finish work.]
Cement Mixer Truck
H. Kick, Jr., Job Printer
We of the 7th Smoke Nothing But the "Capadura" Cigar, With Us It Takes the Lead
A Chaufferur's Job for Me.
It's Up to You!
The Obelisk As It Stood 3000 Years Ago
No Time to Quit for Another Job!
It's Up to the Magistrates.
Major Tochman's Lecture
It's Up to You, Mr. Voter.
[Major General Josiah Porter.]
"Tumbled To It."
[Revised Cutler job.]