[Eugene J. Anthony as Robert M. La Follette and John P. Connolly as Teacher in "Fighting Bob".]
[David E. Chadderdon as Philetus Sawyer and Eugene J. Anthony as Robert M. La Follette in "Fighting Bob".]
[Paul Meacham as Theodore Roosevelt and Eugene J. Anthony as Robert M. La Follette in "Fighting Bob".]
[Unidentified man and playwright Robert Anderson.]
[Mr. Harrington's "Uncle Tom's Cabin.]
[David Belasco as Uncle Tom in "Uncle Tom's Cabin".]
[J. Rosamond Johnson and Bob Cole.]
[Tom Helmore.]
Bob Cole and Billy Johnson in the Roaring, Racy, Rollicking Musical Comedy, "A Trip to Coontown"
[Tom Powers.]
[Tom Ewell.]
Plays, "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
Capt. Bob Bartlett of the "Roosevelt"
[Playwright Louis La Russo II with Danny Aiello.]
[Tom Johnson in auto.]