[Looking at Duane Park and the Schepp Building from the corner of Hudson and Duane Streets.]
[Looking at 168, 170, and 172 Duane Street from Duane Park.]
[Duane Park with Schepp Building on right.]
[Looking toward the central arch of the Manhattan Municipal Building.]
[Looking north on Franklin Place toward 60 White Street.]
[Looking east on Laight Street to Washington Street.]
[White Street between Church Street and Broadway.]
[Looking north on Staple Street toward the New York Mercantile Exchange, 2-6 Harrison Street.]
[American Thread Company building, 260 West Broadway.]
[29th Street façade of the Gilsey House, 1200 Broadway.]
[1-5 Bond Street.]
[Mercer Rubber Company, 68-66 Reade Street.]
[Home Life Insurance Building, 253-256 Broadway.]
[Looking south on Hudson Street to Harrison Street.]
[46-50 White Street, formerly Woods Mercantile Building.]
[City Hall Park and the Municipal Building.]