["Fountain of Life" and New York Botanical Garden Museum.]
[The Conservatory at New York Botanical Garden.]
Museum, Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.
Museum, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York City.
Botanical Garden Museum - Bronx Park - New York City.
Botanical Museum, New York.
Botanical Garden Museum Bronx Park, New York.
The Museums (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Gardens Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Garden Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Garden Museum -- Bronx Park - New York City.
Botanical Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Gardens and Museum. Bronx Park.
[Metropolitan Museum of Art.]
The Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.
[Cartier, Inc., 651-653 Fifth Avenue, and Cartier, Inc., extension, 4 East 52nd Street.]