[Entrance to the First Shearith Israel Graveyard.]
[First Shearith Israel Graveyard.]
[Side entrance to First Unitarian Church.]
[Detail of memorial tablet at Shearith Israel Cemetery.]
[St. James School, 37 St. James Place.]
[Entrance to the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, 137 Second Avenue.]
[47 St. James Place.]
[First cemetery of Congregation Shearith Israel at New Bowery and Oliver Street.]
[Entrance to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade.]
[Ornamentation above the entrance to the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, 137 Second Avenue.]
[Caryatid at the entrance to 32 St. Mark's Place.]
[Entrance to the Flatiron Building, 949 Broadway.]
[Entrance to 20 Exchange Place.]
[St. James Church, 32 James Street.]