Mrs. W. B. Kendall's Apartment, #520 Park Ave., N.Y.C. Library
Apt. of Mrs. M. L. Ottman, #320 Park Ave. Library
Mr. Hugh J. Chisholm's Residence. Port Chester, N.Y. Library
Mr. Adolph Lewisohn's Residence, 881 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. Library
Residence of W. D. Guthrie, 28 Park Ave. Library
Mr. Arnold L. Scheuer's Residence 2 East 80th Street. Library
E. L. Young Apt. 810 5th Ave. Library
Mrs. J. T. Ulman, 24 East 81st St., N.Y. Library
[William C. Whitney Residence. 68th St. & 5th Ave., N.Y.C. Library.]
Mrs. E. F. Hutton. Library
Mrs. Harry Frank, 941 Park Avenue
Mr. Charles Blum's Residence, 44 West 77th Street, N.Y.C. Library
Mrs. H. Chisholm's Residence. 813 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. Library
Mrs. J. W. Butler's Apartment. 246 West End Ave. Dining room
Mr. A. M. Pentz's Apartment - 1000 Park Avenue. N.Y.City. Library