Residence of W. D. Guthrie, 28 Park Ave. Library
[William Goadby Loew's Residence, 261 Madison Ave., N.Y. Library.]
Apt. of Mrs. M. L. Ottman, #320 Park Ave. Library
Mr. Robt. J. Collier's Residence 752 Park Ave. Library
Mr. Hugh J. Chisholm's Residence. Port Chester, N.Y. Library
S. C. Millett Residence, Irvington, N.Y. Library
Mrs. W. B. Kendall's Apartment, #520 Park Ave., N.Y.C. Library
[William C. Whitney Residence. 68th St. & 5th Ave., N.Y.C. Library.]
General F. Halsey Residence. 22 West 53rd Street N.Y.C. Library
Mrs. A. D. Juilliard's Residence, 11 West 57th Street, N.Y.
E. L. Young Apt. 810 5th Ave. Library
Mrs. Julius Loeb - Libraries