Mrs. P. G. McFadden's Residence, 330 Park Avenue, New York City. Entrance hall
Mrs. P. G. McFadden's bedroom
Mrs. P. G. McFadden's Residence - Drawing room
Mrs. P. G. McFadden - Living room
Mrs. P. G. McFadden - Dining room
Mrs. Julius Loeb's Residence [...] Street & Madison Avenue, N.Y. Entrance hall
Mr. A. M. Pentz's Apartment - 1000 Park Avenue. N.Y.City. Entrance hall
[Entrance hall.]
Mrs. John Parson, Sr.'s Apartment, 830 Park Avenue. Entrance hall
Mr. Hugh J. Chisholm's Residence. Port Chester, N.Y. Entrance hall
Apartment of Mrs. A. W. Popper. 270 Park Avenue, New York
Mrs. M. L. Ottman, 320 Park Avenue
Residence of H. Coulby, Wickcliffe, O. Entrance hall
S. C. Millett Residence, Irvington, N.Y. Entrance hall
Mrs. R. A. Poole's Residence - 270 Park Ave., City. Foyer hall
Apartment of Mrs. A. W. Popper. 270 Park Avenue, New York City
Mrs. B. G. Work's Residence, 15 East 51st St. N.Y.C. Entrance hall