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[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

[616-632 Sixth Avenue.]

[616-632 Sixth Avenue.]

[616-632 Sixth Avenue.]

[616-632 Sixth Avenue.]

[Round, windowed tower of 655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[Round, windowed tower of 655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[655-671 Sixth Avenue.]

[881-887 Broadway.]

[881-887 Broadway.]

[901 Broadway.]

[901 Broadway.]

[ABC Carpet Store, 881 Broadway.]

[ABC Carpet Store, 881 Broadway.]

[Originally B. Altman Dry Goods Store, 615-629 Sixth Avenue.]

[Originally B. Altman Dry Goods Store, 615-629 Sixth Avenue.]

[Plaidland, 61-65 West 23rd Street.]

[Plaidland, 61-65 West 23rd Street.]

[Chambers Street façade of 280 Broadway.]

[Chambers Street façade of 280 Broadway.]

[Entrance to the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, 137 Second Avenue.]

[Entrance to the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, 137 Second Avenue.]

[Plaidland, 61-65 West 23rd Street.]

[Plaidland, 61-65 West 23rd Street.]

[141 Fifth Avenue.]

[141 Fifth Avenue.]

[434, 436-440, 442 and 444 Lafayette Street.]

[434, 436-440, 442 and 444 Lafayette Street.]

[675 Sixth Avenue.]

Accession number 2013.3.2.474 
Unique identifier MN124488 
Description Originally Adams Dry Goods Store. 
Dated ca. 1978 
Physical dimensions H: 4 in, W: 5 in 
File dimensions 18.3 in × 14.3 in at 300dpi
46.5 cm × 36.4 cm at 300dpi 

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