[Universalist Church of New York, 4 West 76th Street.]
[Church of St. Teresa, 16-18 Rutgers Street.]
[Saint Thomas Church, 1 West 53rd Street.]
[Church of the Ascension.]
[St. Stephen's Church, 151 East 28th Street.]
[St. Ann's Church, 120 East 12th Street.]
[Good Shepherd Community Ecumenical Center, 543 Main Street.]
[Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 457 West 51st Street.]
[Saint Thomas Church.]
[West Building, General Theological Seminary.]
[Grace Church, 254 Hicks Street.]
[St. Charles Borromeo Church.]
[Converted townhouse at 365 West 19th Street.]
[Grace Church School, 92 Fourth Avenue.]
[First Unitarian Church.]