[150 Fifth Avenue.]
[889-891 Broadway.]
[Presbyterian Building, 154-158 Fifth Avenue, and Mohawk Building, 160 Fifth Avenue.]
[Judge Building, 110 Fifth Avenue.]
[Architectural detail on the Flatiron Building, 175 Fifth Avenue.]
[141 Fifth Avenue.]
[Unidentified building with lion sculpture on façade.]
[Sohmer Piano Building, 170 Fifth Avenue.]
[Scribner Building, 153-157 Fifth Avenue.]
[33-35 Grand Street.]
[Caryatids on the façade of 91 Fifth Avenue.]
[Grace Church School, 92 Fourth Avenue.]
[Hotel Mercer, 99 Prince Street, across the street from Fanelli Cafe.]
[National Association of Machinists AFL-CIO, 7 East 15th Street.]
[154 West 55th Street.]
[Cartier, Inc., 651-653 Fifth Avenue, and Cartier, Inc., extension, 4 East 52nd Street.]
[Flatiron Building.]