"The Violin" [Music for "The Power of Youth".]
Faith in God [Music for "The Power of Passion".]
"True Power"
"The Unfortunate Bride of Suffolk St."
Pini fin Pinchev [Pini from Pincz?w.]
"The Inheritance"
"The Jewish Crown"
"Models of Love"
Popular Songs From Israel Zangwill's Play "King of the Schnorrers"
"The Fiddle" [Music for "The Girl of Yesterday".]
"American Beauty"
"The Rabbi's Melody"
"The Gypsy Prince"
"I Love You" [Music for "Garden Of Love".]
"The First Kiss"
"Russian Love"
"A Heim, A Heim" ["Homeward, Homeward". Music for "A Night of Love".]
"You Are My Happiness" [Music for "The Little Clown".]
"The Polish Jew"