["The Jolly Cantor" theater still.]
[Two men in front of theater poster for "The Jolly Cantor".]
[Bella Finkel Muni and Zvee Scooler in "The Jolly Cantor".]
[Molly Picon in "Jolly Orphan".]
"Hinka" [Music for "The Jolly Tailors".]
"The Dybbuk"
"The Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto"
[Anna Teitelbaum in "The Father".]
"The Water Carrier"
"What Good Is It To Worry About Tomorrow" [Music for "The Jolly Cantor".]
["The Golem" theater still.]
[Zvee Scooler's debut as the bridegroom in "The Dybbuk".]
[Eva Lion in "The Dybbuk".]
["The Dybbuk" theater still.]