[Rendering of three commercial buildings.]
[Rendering of a commercial building.]
Broadway and 42nd Street. Brokaw Building, exterior.
1463 Broadway. Brokaw Brothers clothing store
[Commercial building.]
[Unidentified commercial building.]
1115 Broadway. Commercial building
1270 Broadway. Fisher Building
383-385 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
1351 Broadway. Lefcourt-Marlboro Building
Seventeen Story Loft Building. South West Corner 14 St & Broadway, N.Y.C.
[Einstein-Wolff Company building, 1115 Broadway.]
104 West 42nd Street near 6th Avenue. American Radiator Co. Building.
1182 Broadway. Centurian Building.
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. View from Brill Brothers to show north wall
[Brill Brothers building, 41st Street at Madison.]