1514 Broadway. Criterion Theater, Crawford's Department Store
New York Theatre, New York Roof and Criterion Theatre
[The Criterion Theatre, 1514-16 Broadway, "Beggar on Horseback".]
[Ziegfeld Theatre.]
Street Scenes - 1904. 44th St. No. Side Looking E. from Broadway. Criterion Theatre Stage Door. (Theatre 1514 Broadway. Hudson Theatre 139 West 44).
[Times Square at night.]
[Center Theatre.]
West 44th Street. Shubert Theatre.
[Palace Theatre.]
Hotel Astor
West 43rd Street and Broadway. Four night views of Times Square
West 34th Street. Kitty Kelly, storefront
West 47th Street and Broadway. Palace Theatre. Construction view
Theatre, Hudson, 139 West 44th Street.
[Demolition of the Hippodrome Theatre.]
West 181st Street and Broadway. Coliseum Theatre
214 West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
West 45th Street. Lyceum Theatre.
45th Street and Times Square. Future site of Loew's State Theater
West 47th Street and Broadway. Palace Theatre, detail of lobby.