Mose and Lize on the 3rd Avenue N.Y.
Inconvenience of Wearing Coffee Bag Skirts
This Man Forgot to Shut the Door!
New-York Tricks Upon Country Dealers. The New-York Watch Stuffer
The Horse for the Money.
The New-York Elephant
Sprague's Trip to the Mountains in Sept 1814
The Independent Gold Hunter On His Way To California
The Firemen's Career
To Avoid a Smash We Sell for Cash.
Some Pumpkins.
Misery. Happiness.
This Man Was Talked to Death.
Let The Police Courts Be Furnished With Mechanical Magistrates
The Great Exhibition of 1851.
The Last Ditch of the Chivalry, or a President in Petticoats.
Poor Trust is Dead
No Tick Here.
The Bottom Out
[Restaurant scene, determining the math for the tip.]