[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, lobby.]
[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, stairs.]
[Plaza Theater. Interior, view from balcony.]
[Interior, detail of mantel.]
West 57th Street and Sixth Avenue. Professional Building. Interior, entrance hall
[Interior, elevator lobby.]
West 47th Street and Broadway. Palace Theatre. Interior, view of chandelier
West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, elevator cab ceiling detail
[Interior, possibly a clubhouse.]
214 West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
[Interior, detail of ceiling.]
[Interior of the Booth Theatre.]
[214] West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre, entrance.
Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint. RKO Theater. Interior, view from balcony
Theatre, Washington, Amsterdam Ave. & 149th Street, Interiors.
535 West 114th Street. Columbia University Library. Interior, Butler Library of Philosophy, ceiling