[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, lobby.]
[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, stairs.]
[Plaza Theater. Interior, view from balcony.]
[Interior, detail of mantel.]
West 57th Street and Sixth Avenue. Professional Building. Interior, entrance hall
[Interior, elevator lobby.]
West 47th Street and Broadway. Palace Theatre. Interior, view of chandelier
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, elevator cab ceiling detail
West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
214 West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
[Interior, possibly a clubhouse.]
[Interior, detail of ceiling.]
[214] West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre, entrance.
[Interior of the Booth Theatre.]
Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint. RKO Theater. Interior, view from balcony
535 West 114th Street. Columbia University Library. Interior, Butler Library of Philosophy, ceiling
Theatre, Washington, Amsterdam Ave. & 149th Street, Interiors.
Theatre, New Amsterdam, 42nd Street.