Line of March of Military Parade, April 30th, 1889.
Program of literary exercises at the Sub-Treasury building in commemoration of the inauguration of George Washington, April 30, 1889
Washington's Centennial Parades [The order of exercises at the Centennial Banquet at the Metropolitan Opera House on Tuesday April 30th, 1889.]
Federal Hall: Inauguration of Genl George Washington, the First President of the United States, on the 30th of April 1789.
Wall Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Wall Street, New York.
Wall Street [Wall Street]
Wall Street, New York
In Bad Company - The Projected Monument to Washington in Wall Street
Washington. Wall Street. Steps of Sub-Treasury. Washington taking the oath of office as 1st President April 30, 1789.
Wall Street and Trinity Church, New York.
Naval Parade Washington Centennial New York Harbor April 29th, 1889 [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
A Perspective View of the City Hall in New York Taken from Wall Street
Federal Hall, Wall Street and Trinity Church, New York, 1789.
Wall Street in 1883