30-32 Wall Street. Assay Office.
63 Wall Street. Detail new entrance
14 Wall Street. Commercial building [Bankers Trust Company Building.]
55 Wall Street. National City Bank Co., entrance
Wall Street. 1887
[Observation deck of 60 Wall Street.]
[74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings.]
60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] Cities Service building. Main entrance
60 Wall Street. City Service Company. Interior, observatory
Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. #37 Wall St. N.Y.C.
49 Wall Street at the corner William Street. Atlantic Mutual Building.
48 Wall Street #48 at the N.E. corner of William Street. Old Bank of New York.
80 Wall Street. New York Burlap and Jute Exchange. Interior
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
120 Wall Street at South Street. General exterior.