[98 Montague Street. Hotel Bossert. Detail of upper stories.]
[98 Montague Street. Hotel Bossert. Detail of upper corner.]
98 Montague Street. Hotel Bossert. Detail of upper stories
98 Montague Street at the S.E. corner of Hicks Street. Hotel Bossert.
[Hotel Montague, 103-105 Montague Street.]
[Detail of two windows on a building.]
[Hotel Bossert.]
Brick building. Detail of stonework over window
Brick building. Detail of windows with stonework
Peoples Trust Co. [183 Montague Street], view of balcony.
West 24th Street. Masonic Hall. Detail of windows
Brick building. Detail of windows with stonework and ironwork
177 Montague Street. Brooklyn Trust Company. Detail of rough stone work
Detail of stonework around window
[Detail of stonework around window.]
Peoples Trust Co. [183 Montague Street], view from balcony.