St. John's Roman Catholic Church. West 30 St. New York. East Side of Church
547 West 27th Street. New York City. Looking Easterly at Freight Elevator Near 27th Street Entrance to Building. Car Up Shaft & Safety Gates Down. Camera at Point About 20 Feet West of Elevator Doorwa
Mother of Zion M.E. Church. West 138 St. N.Y.C. S.E. Corner looking North Wall
#2 - 8 West 46 St. New York City. View Looking North From Rear of #5 West 45 St.
330 West 30th Street. French Hospital. Interior
South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
450 West 37th Street. New York. Rear From Rear of Back-Yard to 452 West 37th St. Looking Northeast at Rear Wall to 450 West 37th St.
Public School #11. #314-324 West 21 St. N.Y.C. From N.W. looking S.E. along West Gable Wall to #313 West 20 St.
#169-171 East 87th St. New York City. General View of Front Wall to #173-75 East 87 St.
West 30th Street and Seventh Avenue. St. John's Roman Catholic Church
Revillon Frères Building. S.E. Cor. 30 St. and Eighth Ave.
Looking South at North Side of Gate-way at 69 St. End of Alley, Showing Poor Condition of Stonework
South East Corner 58 St. and Sixth Ave. N.Y.C. North Section of Air-Shaft in West Gable Wall to 60 West 58 St.
239-241 West 30th Street. Heatherton Building. Interior, lobby
West 30th Street and 9th Avenue. U.S. Parcel Post Building
Revillon Frères Building. S.E. Cor. Eighth Ave. & 30 St. N.Y.C.
S.W. Cor. 184th St. and Wadsworth Ave. N.Y.C. South Front to #649 West 184th St.
450 West 37th Street. New York City. Front on West 37th Street. View Looking South-West From Stoop to 447 West 37th Street
309 East 112th Street. New York City. From Entrance Doorway Looking North Through First Floor.
Public School #11. #314-324 West 21st St. N.Y.C. From S.E. Cor. of Plot on 20th St. looking N.W. at Easterly Gable Walls to #327 W. 20 and 326 West 21st St.