[German language newspaper being printed.]
[Man printing an Armenian newspaper.]
[Printing office for a newspaper.]
[Printing a newspaper.]
[Men at printing presses.]
[Interior, bottling plant.]
Arabic American
[Printing an edition of the China Daily News.]
Pacific Street and Third Avenue. New York Times, Brooklyn plant. Interior
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Printing Dept.
[Interior of unidentified industrial building.]
1776 Broadway. Newspaper Institute of America. Interior, office
[Interior, engine room.]
421 First Avenue. New York Life printing plant
[Newspaper stand.]
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Printing Dept. 2 Color Press.
[Interior, milk bottling plant.]
[Sophie Tucker at a printing press.]