New York Worlds Fair. Bridge from Administration Building. Construction view
[New York World's Fair. Surveyors in transportation area. Construction view.(With the Trylon and Perisphere in the background.).]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, oxcart.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, railroad exhibit.]
[Night view of the New York World's Fair site under construction.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Minnetonka locomotive.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Goodrich Tire exhibit.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, railway post office car.]
[Construction of the Japanese pavilion, New York World's Fair.]
New York World's Fair 1939
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Goodrich Tire exhibit. ]
[Construction of New York World's Fair exhibition building.]
[Construction of the New York World's Fair site.]
[New York World's Fair. Communications Building, tower. Construction view.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, interior of modern Pullman Railway Car.]
New York Worlds Fair. Construction view
[View of the Marine Transportation building, New York World's Fair.]
[Construction at the New York World's Fair site.]