[Boat ride, New York World's Fair.]
New York Worlds Fair. Amusement area, giraffe
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, Minnetonka locomotive.]
[New York World's Fair. Amusement area, Wurts family in funhouse mirror.]
[New York World's Fair. Amusement area, Heineken's on the Zuider Zee.]
[Boat on display at the New York World's Fair.]
[Amusement Zone, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, oxcart.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, railroad exhibit.]
[Man advertising for boat rides, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, interior of modern Pullman Railway Car.]
[New York World's Fair. Transportation area, railway post office car.]
[Girls riding carousel, New York World's Fair.]
[U.S. Coast Guard boat, New York World's Fair.]