[Pedestrians in an unidentified cityscape.]
[People riding a bus.]
[Building with statues.]
[Elevated view from roof looking toward East River.]
Fraunces Tavern, Broad Street
[View of Jackson Heights prior to the construction of garden apartment complexes.]
City Hotel, Trinity & Grace Churches
[Steel frame for National Bridge Works.]
Old New York City view. Wall Street looking east from Trinity Church tower
54 West 36th Street. Style Maid Hat Company. Interior, fire damage
East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue. Hess Building
City Hall
View looking down Broadway from Warren Street [City Hall Post Office and Courthouse designed by A. B. Mullett.]
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence
West 73rd Street and Riverside Drive. Charles M. Schwab residence
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William H. Clark residence
East 87th Street and Fifth Avenue. Henry Phipps residence
East 34th Street and Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory building