[Residence. Interior, bathroom.]
[Interior, bathroom.]
[Interior, bathroom towards bathtub.]
8 East 79th Street. Heinrich Schniewind Residence, bathroom.
[Unidentified Bathroom.]
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, bathroom.
[Interior, bathroom towards toilet and bathtub.]
[Interior, bathroom towards toilet and shower.]
French Line, S.S. "France", Interior, Grand de Luxe Suite #61 Bathroom.
565 West End Avenue. Apartment. Interior, bathroom
French Line, S.S. "France", First Class, Interior, Grand de Luxe #61 a Bathroom.
[S.S. "Manhattan", Bathroom, Cabin Class.]
[S.S. "Washington", Bathroom of Stateroom #A39, Cabin Class.]
[Hospital. Interior, bathtub.]
781 Fifth Avenue. Sherry Netherland Hotel. Interior, bathroom