Labor Temple, New York City. Friend's Work Camp
St. Francis Hospital.
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Hospitals, German Hospital & Dispensary.
St. Mark's Hospital.
East 110th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
Lots between the property of Augustus Wynkoop and First Street at the Methodist Cemetery
4th Avenue and 13th St.
Temple Ansch Chesed.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 52 to 51 Sts.
[New York Association for the Blind, Workshop for Blind Men.]
Lockhart, Veterinary Surgeon
David Kessler Theatre. Roof Garden
214-220 East 21st St. New York City. View looking S.E. at Westerly Gable Wall to 222 East 21st St.
Old Law Tenements