[Man and a woman at a bar.]
[Entrance of an apartment building.]
[Entrance to an unidentified building.]
[Man and a woman looking at a small metal bird.]
[Entrance to an unidentified office building.]
[Portrait of an Unidentified Man at a Writing Desk.]
[Portrait of a man.]
[Thirteen women and a child on the steps of the Jackson Heights Red Cross building.]
[Entrance to an apartment building, possibly the Riverside House.]
[Entrance to unidentified building, possibly a bank.]
[Pavelle Laboratories. Man and woman looking at prints and slides.]
[Portrait of an Unidentified Woman.]
Woolworth Building, main entrance and stores.
[Rendering of an entrance to a Jackson Heights apartment.]
[Dining room, two men and two women posing in front of buffet.]
[Woman at a table.]
[Man at a desk of equipment at NBC studios.]
[Dining room, two men and two women posing.]
[Entrance to unidentified building.]
[Entrance to a building in the Queensbridge Houses.]