Grand Concert in Aid of the Funds of the New-York Volunteer Association
Metropolitan Opera House Performance in Honor of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Belgium
Concert Under the Auspices of the Dry Goods Mutual Benefit Association
Celebration of the Episcopal Jubilee of the Archbishop of New York
Musical and Literary Entertainment for the Benefit of the Gymnasium Fund of the College of the City of New York
Gala Performance of Grand Opera in honor of the visit of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia
Grand Charity Performance in Aid of Kindergarten and Potted Plant Association
Gala Performance in Aid of Disabled Americans, Britons and Canadians Who Served with the British Forces During the World War
Centennial of Washington's Inauguration as First President, and Celebration
Grand Benefit Entertainment and Patriotic Rally under the auspices of the Canadian Club of New York
Annual Banquet of The Merchants' Association of New York
Loan Exhibition of Historical Portraits and Relics Commemorative of the of the Centennial of the Inaguration of the George Washington as President of the UNited States.
Banquet given in honor of the Centennial of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States.
AIDS Walk New York
The Merchants' Association of New York Annual Banquet
The Grand Tier Salon