[Street excavation.]
[Men hanging out near street excavation.]
[Workers repairing the wall of a building.]
East 58th Street. Street opening, pneumatic drill tearing up pavement
East 50th Street and Fifth Avenue. Street opening, pouring fine sand over goose neck
East 50th Street and Fifth Avenue. Street opening, view of tapping machine
[Street repair.]
Centre Street and Chambers Street. Municipal Building. Exterior, mid-cleaning
[East 49th Street and Lexington Avenue. Hotel Shelton. Construction view.]
146th Street and Lenox Avenue. Interborough Rapid Transit Company. Interior, repair shop
[Sixth Avenue El and street excavation.]
West 53rd Street and Fifth Avenue. St. Thomas Church. Interior, view of ceiling
28-36 East 52nd St. N.Y.C. From central plot in Park Avenue looking Northwest through 52nd St. towards Madison Avenue