[Possibly Digby Bell in "The Begum".]
[Mathilde Cottrelly as The Begum of Oude in "The Begum".]
[Marion Manola as Aminah in "The Begum".]
[Annie Meyers as Damayanti in "The Begum".]
[Hubert Wilke as Klahm-Chowdee in "The Begum".]
[Jefferson De Angelis as Jhust-Naut in "The Begum".]
[Edwin Hoff as Pooteh-Wehl in "The Begum".]
[DeWolf Hopper as Howja-Dhu and Annie Meyers as Damayanti in "The Begum".]
[Jefferson De Angelis as Jhust-Naut and Harry MacDonough as Asch-Khart in "The Begum".]
[Unidentified performer in "The Great Waltz".]
[Unidentified performer.]
[Unidentified performer in "The Gondoliers".]
[Unidentified performer in "By Jupiter".]
[Unidentified performer in "The Black Crook".]
[Unidentified performer in "Carmen Jones".]
[James T. Power as the title role in "The Drum-Major".]
[Unidentified performers in "Kismet".]
[Three unidentified performers in an unidentified production.]
[Marion Claire as Therese with an unidentified performer in "The Great Waltz".]