Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops S.N.Y. Depot Jamaica Ave., Gillen Pl., Bushwick Ave., Fanchon Place
Car Repairs & Inspection Shops, Storerooms & Offices E.N.Y. Repairs & Inspection Shops, Storerooms & Offices Broadway, Jamaica Ave., Gillen Place and Bushwick Av.
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Gates Ave Car Barn Ridgewood
Miscellaneous Operative Properties - Engineer Way and Department E.N.Y. Club House N.W. Corner Jamaica Ave. & Gillen Place
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Myrtle Avenue Depot W. Side Wyckoff Ave., 60' S. of Item #4
Car Repairs & Inspection Shops, Storerooms & Offices E.N.Y. Lumber Storage In same block as #207
Miscellaneous Operative Properties - Engineer Way and Department E. N.Y. Ash Station E. side Gillen Pl., near Bushwick Avenue
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Halsey Street Depot N. Side Halsey St., bet. Saratoga Ave. & Broadway
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Canarsie Depot Rockaway S.W. Corner Rockaway Ave., and New Lots Road
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops 9th Avenue Depot S. Side of 9th Ave., bet. 19th and 20th Streets
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Crosstown Depot W. Side Manhattan Ave. bet. Box & Commercial Streets
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Masbeth Depot Cor. Grand St. & Juniper Ave. Boro. Queens. Building
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Avenue "N" Depot S. Side Avenue "N" bet. E. 49th Street and Utica Avenue
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops 58th Street Depot 2nd & 3rd Aves., and 58th & 59th Streets
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Bergen Street Depot N. Side Bergen St., bet. Albany and Troy Aves., through to Dean Street
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops Maspeth Depot Cor. Grand St. & Juniper Ave. Boro. Queens. Yard
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops 23rd Street Depot "B" S.E. Corner 5th Avenue and 23rd Street. Rear view
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops 7th Avenue Depot N. Side of 7th Ave., bet. 19th and 20th Streets
Car Depots & Depot Repair Shops 10th Avenue Depot W. Side of 10th Ave., bet. 19th and 20th Streets