[Inside front cover of piece book belonging to Delta II.]
[Front and back cover of sketchbook belonging to Delta II.]
Shaker 179 From The Gates of the Ghetto! [Page in Delta II's black book.]
Subway History [Delta II's black book.]
Delta [Page in Delta II's black book.]
[Tagged inside front cover of Shaker 179's black book.]
[Page in Delta II's black book.]
Kings Arrive [Page in Delta II's piece book.]
Burn [Page in Delta II's black book.]
[Tagged inside front cover of COSE TDS's black book.]
DAR Has Retired [Page and inside back cover of DAR TRC's black book.]
"Delta TRC KA" [Page in TRUE's black book.]
KA DAR [Inside front cover of piece book belonging to TRC.]
Delta 2 KA Prez [Page in TRC's piece book.]
Kings Arrive [Page in COSE TDS's black book.]
Blasted [Page in sketchbook belonging to Delta II.]
Cap [Page in Delta II's black book.]
[Tagged inside back cover of Sharp's black book.]
[Inside front cover of Cost KRT's black book.]
[Page in Sharp's black book.]